• Published on 15 Jul 2015
  • About ARTEMIS


ARTEMIS Summer Camp

We had a very fruitful Summer Camp in Helsinki last month and were happy that Yrjo Neuvo, the first president of our association, expressed his interest by attending the full event. It became clear again that Embedded & Cyber-Physical Systems play an ever-increasing role in our future products and services and that in fact the area of Embedded & Cyber-Physical in general includes or largely overlaps the areas of Digital Platforms & the Things in the Internet of Things (IoT). On the first day, ARTEMIS-IA invited experts from several support projects active in CPS road-mapping, such as Cyphers, CPSoS, Road2CPS, together with experts from several related organisations, such as ITEA, NESSI and EFFRA, to present information on their roadmaps in order to give a broader insights to our community to open discussions on the future challenges for CPS. Meike Reimann & David Servat of Road2CPS said in their presentation:
‘Strategic action for future CPS through themes and priorities identified from various Roadmaps of CPS, IoT & FoF’.

The second day was for experts of the ARTEMIS AIPP projects and the ARTEMIS CoIEs, to discuss the important cross-cutting challenges identified by their projects and communities.
A lot of views were expressed and discussed; all together a rich input for the WG SRA, that is now in the starting phase to write the updated ARTEMIS SRA 2016 that will be published by ARTEMIS-IA as ETP on Embedded & Cyber-Physical Systems.

ECSEL MASRIA Stakeholders Forum

As a member of the ECSEL Private Members Board (PMB), we are now together with AENEAS and EPoSS working on the MASRIA 2016 (Multi Annual Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda), which should be the basis for the ECSEL Calls 2016. As prescribed by the ECSEL Council Regulation, the PMB will organise a public Stakeholders Forum to get input for the MASRIA from all interested parties in the programme of ECSEL. This Stakeholders Forum will probably take place on Sept. 18 in Graz, in the same week and city where ESSCIRC and ESDERC organise their conferences this year.

New Chamber B Chair elected

The elections for the vacant ARTEMIS-IA Chamber B Chair closed on 10 July and the result is in. The newly elected Chamber B Chair is Matthijs Willem Leeuw from TNO.

ARTEMIS Technology Conference

To give our community the opportunity to present and discuss Embedded & Cyber-Physical Systems-related industrial-technical issues/opportunities/results, we now organise for the first time a 2-day ARTEMIS Technology Conference that takes place in Turin on Oct. 6-7. Together with the technology driven parallel sessions, new project ideas from related ETPs have been invited to present themselves, as the timing of the conference fits perfectly into the preparation period of project proposals for the related H2020 and other calls.