  • Published on 03 Jan 2017
  • Events

Prepare for the ECSEL Calls 2017

In 2017, ECSEL will open its fourth Call for project proposals. To help with the drafting of project proposals and finding the right consortium partners, ARTEMIS Industry Association organises the ARTEMIS Brokerage Event 2017 in Brussels on 31 January-1 February 2017. About 250 participants from all over Europe are expected to attend this event.

The ARTEMIS Brokerage Event will focus specifically on Embedded Intelligence (Embedded & Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things and Digital Platforms) within the ECSEL Call. In addition, proposals for Lighthouse projects within the full ECSEL scope, also covering Smart Systems and Nano-electronics, are also very welcome to present themselves, as well as project proposals for other calls in Embedded Intelligence, such as H2020.

This excellent opportunity for networking and building consortia is the right place to bring together well targeted ideas and clearly defined cooperation needs from the research and business sector.

Registration for the ARTEMIS Brokerage 2017 is possible via the event website