  • Published on 04 Mar 2019
  • About ARTEMIS

SWOT analysis by ARTEMIS team


Within ARTEMIS, we continuously want to improve our services for our members. So, after each event we send you a survey, asking for feedback and suggestions. On February 6 the office team had a full day off-site meeting to analyse the association from the office point of view and translate this into a SWOT analysis.

This SWOT analysis will be presented in the Steering Board and General Assembly, as we look forward to share this with our members and discuss your thoughts and input. The General Assembly (Members only) will be hosted on 16 April 2019, as part of the ARTEMIS Technology Conference at the Steigenberger Airport Hotel in Amsterdam.

I look forward to meeting you all in Amsterdam!

Jan Lohstroh
Secretary General of ARTEMIS Industry Association