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  • Has delivered a pan-European ARTEMIS Strategic Research Agenda in 2006, 2011 and 2016. This SRA is a tool to realise the industry-driven, long-term vision of the ARTEMIS European Technology Platform.
  • Contributed to the first ever joint Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), the ECS-SRA, published in January 2018. Three European industry associations ARTEMIS-IA, AENEAS and EPoSS, spanning the entire value chain, set out their vision for digital Europe, the key application areas, the R&D&D challenges and solutions.
  • Chaired by Patrick Pype

What is a Strategic Research Agenda

The pan-European ARTEMIS Strategic Research Agenda is a tool to realise the industry-driven, long-term vision of the ARTEMIS technology platform. It helps to align and coordinate research policies in Europe and helps to match the allocation of programmes and resources to different technology and policy challenges. The mission of the SRA was based on maintaining a strong technological capability in both the supply and application of Embedded Systems by overcoming fragmentation in the European supply base for the components and tools of embedded systems. By removing barriers between application sectors ARTEMIS aimed to yield multi-domain, reusable components and systems. The SRA has been used as a reference by the European Commission and by a number of national bodies when establishing their own research priorities and programmes.

SRA 2016

The ARTEMIS Strategic Research Agenda 2016 sets the pathway to digital transformation: an opportunity for Europe!

On 13 April  2016, ARTEMIS Industry Association launched its Strategic Research Agenda 2016 in Vienna. ARTEMIS Industry Association aims to consolidate the pathway for the digital revolution, enabling a more agile and shorter development cycle of Embedded Intelligent Systems through the adoption of design by composition and correct-by-construction principles. It also aims to overcome fragmentation in the European supply base for design and engineering components and tools. In the coming years the Industry Association will focus on providing strong technological capability over the whole value chain, thus removing barriers between application contexts to yield multi-domain, reusable components and Embedded Intelligent systems, and extend the use of digital platforms to build the stronger eco-systems that are needed to accelerate innovation and create new business models.

ARTEMIS Main Objectives

As mentioned above, ARTEMIS subscribes to achieving the ‘Digital Single Market in Europe’ by providing strong technological capability over the total value chain, and on both the supply side and the application side of Embedded Intelligence, thus closing the loop between market pull and technology push. Therefore, for the 2016 present     Strategic Research Agenda ARTEMIS aims to fulfil a renewed set of main objectives:

  1. Consolidate the pathway of the digital  revolution,
  2. Enable a more agile and shorter development cycle through the adoption of design by composition and correct-by  construction principle
  3. Overcome fragmentation in the European supply base for the components and tools of design and engineering,
  4. Remove barriers between application contexts to yield multi-domain, reusable components and   systems,
  5. Extend the use of digital platforms to build stronger eco-systems needed for accelerating the innovation and the creation of new business  models.

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