The WG Success Criteria & Metrics:
First of all, the WG Metrics would like to thank all people and all consortia that have filled out the questionnaires. It is of very great value that many people respond in order to see credible results on what ARTEMIS means for the business of Embedded & Cyber-Physical Systems in Europe. This will have a big impact for future subsidy programs at European level.
The charter of the WG Metrics was to define and monitor success criteria of the ARTEMIS-JU program in order to support the Public Authorities on evaluating the ARTEMIS-JU results and to provide inputs to the ARTEMIS Industry Association on priority setting and refocusing the ARTEMIS-JU Program.
So far, two reports have been launched, respectively in the first quarter of 2011 and 2013, based on questionnaires filled out by different project consortia of projects which have been running for at least two years. Where the first report was only based on a limited number of respondents - and as such was considered more as an initial experiment to derive results in a bottom-up matter -, the 2nd report was based on around 150 respondents.
The 2nd report has served as input for other ARTEMIS evaluation reports by different fora and has also served as input for the joint ITEA ARTEMIS-IA High-level Vision document ‘2030 – Opportunities for Europe – The impact of software innovation on revenue and jobs’.
In the 2013 report of the Metrics WG, the following key strengths have been identified:
ARTEMIS contributes through all of its activities to strengthen the European innovation eco-system and thus improve the level of competitiveness of the European industry.
The WG Metrics has succeeded in showing the efficiency of having both a bottom-up as well as a top-down approach in defining and monitoring success criteria for a large European program as ARTEMIS. It helps in clearly seeing the impact that such a program can bring towards the industry and research community on embedded systems for different application domains. So let’s continue doing our good work with the whole ARTEMIS Community!