ITEA ARTEMIS-IA HIGH LEVEL VISION 2030 OPPORTUNITIES FOR EUROPE There is a wide consensus that from now to 2030 change and disruption will be permanent features in society, with the way of living a...
BRUSSELS, 2 October 2013 – Europe’s Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) are delivering exciting results that will help to improve Europeans’ quality of life and contribute to Europe&...
ARTEMIS-IA was a recognised European Technology Platform (ETP) during the FP7 period. The Commission asked the ETP's to re-apply for recognition in the H2020 period and gave the recognition in a ...
This year, the Summer Camp was kindly hosted by INDRA, and the participants were welcomed by Jose Luis Angoso González, the Director for Innovation at INDRA. At the beautiful and...
On 8 and 9 April Polictecnico di Milano hosted at its campus in Bovisa, a district north of Milan, a kick-off meeting for the E-SCOP project. This gathering of the E-SCOP project partners set th...
The 2013 Co-summit – organised by ARTEMIS & ITEA 2 – will be held on 4-5 December in the capital of Sweden; Stockholm and all preperation for this event started last month. The ARTEMIS...
ARTEMIS-IA, AENEAS and EPoSS had the last couple of months several meetings with the Commission to give feedback on their various draft versions of the Council Regulation for the new Joint Undertaking...